Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2007

7.10.2007 The joy of giving

Each year I receive a certain letter from my former usually arrives in the summer.....well in time before the Fall trimester starts.This year's letter was no different and it began with: Dear Mr. E. Thank you so much for your ---- years of giving.Your support is very important to the University of Oregon etc.

At first these letters always seem to come at the wrong time.I usually let them sit - wishing they would just go away....but for some reason they linger on until they finally get my real attention.Today was such a moment.I didn't hesitate to enter my preferred amount, my credit card number and the designated purpose of my financial gift: in this case it is for the renovation of the International Center Project Fund.

I sealed the envelop and put on the needed stamps.Nothing more to do.And all the while I felt really good.Here I was - sending off hard earned euro/dollars to my former university - having feelings of appreciation and achievement.

It was so obvious once again: it may look like a paradox - I am sending away money that I could well use for myself - and it occurred to me that the very act of giving allows my mind to have the feeling that I can afford to do so - that I do indeed have these funds to spare.I realized once again it is the act of giving that creates the real, however, is the best part of this process: I believe that what you freely give to others will come back to you in even greater "numbers".