Donnerstag, 30. August 2007

30.8.2007 Mail for Doris

Yesterday this Airmail envelop was returned to me.I wrote Doris R. an email about it and she wrote back ( it only takes seconds for these messages to zip along the datalines ) that she was living at 45 Whiteside Drive....the Belleville Postoffice was unable to deliver this letter - can you detect why? Now I am resending it again by snailmail for two euros or some USD 2.66 - if Doris mailed such an envelop my way the postage would come to less than one dollar - you wonder why we here get charged so much.The good news: it will take only five days to get to Belleville.

Long ago - some short two hundred plus years - when George Washington was serving as the first American President he had Benjamin Franklin as his ambassador in Paris,France...and when George W. requested to receive the latest news from France it took a total of about 45 days for the round trip of these two we accelerated from 45 days to ten days,to 10 seconds....and yet my heart can send out love to our three kids in Belleville and that energy will be received in less than one - the reason? We are all deeply interconnected and yet still so very far apart.

30.8.2007 An Invitation for Kaffee und Kuchen

Now that our four blogs are "up and running" at our dafk homepage ( thanks to our President Mr. B. Broer and our Webmaster Mr. H. Steege ) it will be more interesting and easy to follow up on the unfoldings of our three young Paderborn delegates in Belleville,Illinois.

All of this would not have been possible without the active involvement of their wonderfully supportive parents.And there is a warm sense of anticipation within me this very moment I am writing these lines: we all have been inivited for Kaffee,Tee und Kuchen at the house of Carolin's parents on September 9,2007 at 15:00.How classic and how typical of our culture.And there will probably be nice Chinaware, ( maybe even some family Sammeltassen? ) a perfectly ironed tablecloth and elegant silverware plus ( home-made ? ) Kuchen and other goodies.Yammi.It has been a long time since I have enjoyed to such a traditional Kaffeeklatsch gathering....and yes Ms. Sale I will bring along some courtesy I promise a photo of this special setting for later publication.