Donnerstag, 6. September 2007

6.9.2007 Being honored

It is not very often that a good neighbor- friend receives such an honor.But it did happen a few days ago when our very active neighbor Fritz Buhr received a federal medal honoring his unselfish engagements for environmental and social causes.The newspaper article even called him the "ecological conscience" of our city.

At times - and probably even today - it must have been so frustrating for Fritz ( and for his wife as well ) being way ahead of the rest of us in terms of ecological awareness and anticipation of the changes that we are now witnessing locally and on a global scale. It is a small wonder that Fritz has remained an optimist and a model of the goodness and integrity that most of us are striving for. Thank you, Fritz, for your help in steering us, our local politicians and planners into the right direction and then to encourage us to remain on course.

The photo shows our county commission chairman Mr. M. Mueller ( on the left ) and Fritz Buhr during the award ceremony in the county building assembly hall where 125 people had gathered to celebrate the occasion.Mr. M. Mueller will join a DAFK delegation in mid-october when they fly to Belleville,Chicago and New York City.Maybe we should invite Fritz to come along as well - he would certainly have new ideas for some of our American friends who drive to their local Wal-Mart store in a Humvee!

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