Mittwoch, 22. August 2007

22.August 2007 Experience leads to being

Today our three young delegates Caro,Jan and Nils are spending their third day at their respective Highschools and there are probably a million questions in their heads.....and I wouldn't be surprised to hear them mutter to their new host friends: if only I had known about this or that in advance I would have been better prepared etc. This is just to show that reading or hearing about a new culture is very much different from having first hand experiences in that new environment....and the more experiences we have the easier it will become to actually BE a part or a member of that the path of our three adventurers takes them from knowledge to experience and finally on down to beingness - how close will they get to achieve the final step in their less than ninety short days?And what about the passing of these days?Will it be felt as a gradual stream of days by counting them down from now on to departure day? Or will it be a fluid process that can speed up,slow down or even go into reverse - will they biologically - not chronologically - be younger when they get here because of the effect certain special experiences had on their cells in their bodies - will life in Belleville have been something like jumping into a Jungbrunnen?

The photo shows Linda Driesner ( Belleville East HS ),Katie McDowell ( Belleville West HS ) and myself during a lunch meeting in 2005.These two dedicated teachers are again actively helping our three students to settle in and to get adjusted.Thank you Linda.Thank you Katie.

In my next blog I want to talk about this important sentence:"In the absence of which I am not,that which I am is not." Now wouldn't that make a great Abitur topic???

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