Samstag, 6. Oktober 2007

6.10.2007 Today is German - American Friendship Day

Some 20 short years ago President R. Reagan set aside October 6 to mark the friendship between the United States of America and of Germany ( then it was still called West-Germany ).The Wall was still up,the Euro hadn't been invented and the exchange rate of the Deutschmark was very much in favor of the US dollar...and just one year later the Deutsch Amerikanischer Freundeskreis - the DAFK - was founded.
Today we seem to live in a very much different world.We use the Internet and our mobile phones,we engage in virtual travels and yet when it comes to fly to the US it seems the excitement and anticipation haven't changed - as the delegates of our upcoming tour to Belleville and New York City will readily attest.May they have a great time during their explorations of the state of our current German-American friendship and a safe return.